Black History Month

by christina Watley   Feb 8, 2007

Black History Month
By: Christina Watley

Black History Month
What does that mean to u
Black History Month is not
Just a month for knowing about black heroes and people
Its not just knowing about Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and
Malcolm X.
Black History Month is understanding what not only black people
Went through, but white , Asians, Hispanics, and other races did
For us blacks.
Because all I hear when B.H.M. comes around is
How badly white people treated blacks.
But u have to look beneath the surface.
Yes white people were the main people that
Used us but there are other races out there that used us,
There are other races out there that were slaves.
We can talk on and on , on how badly we were treated.
But it is up to us to make a move, to make a change.
We can complain
All we want , but if the we don't do anything then
We minds as well give up.
We can have a black history month
As long as we want , but if the history of blacks stays the same
There is no point into celebrating the month
Black History Month..
What can I say?
I say its time to make a change, because if we don't do it
Now we wont do it later.
Hear me with your heart not just your ears.
Its time to take the change, because a change will not wait for us.
Its up to us to take it. You only have so long until
The chance leaves us.
Black History Month.
Its up to us.


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