Inner Beauty

by robin milford   Feb 8, 2007

They say she is ugly
They almost got her believing
When she looks in the mirror
They didn't take
the time to know her
They didn't see her sweet heart
and the marks they left behind
They unknowingly skip her beauty
for they wouldn't look
on the inside
With each day that goes by
She slowly becomes
what they say she is
as her heart grows cold
and scarred by their words
They forgot to look within
where true beauty lies


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  • 16 years ago

    by Love vs Fate

    Inner beauty is what counts. I love this poem because the things you said were very true. You shouldn't always look on what is on the outside, But what is on the inside. The inner beauty of a person is what really counts. 5 for this poem robin. A very well written poem. Keep it up.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sarah

    Outstanding write! The poem flowed intensely. This can relate to many women out there. Incredibly considerate. I am pleased for you writing such a piece for us all to distinguish. 5/5

    Good Job!


  • 17 years ago

    by MuddinGirl

    Sad thing is, this poem reminds me of myself because of a past relationship!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Tricky Daze

    ı believe in that too,inner beauty is more important than the physical one
    and i liked its flow,easy to read
    Keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by becca

    This is a really beautiful and meaningful poem. i really enjoyed reading it and the meaning to it is so clear. thanks xXx
    p.s if you dont mind could you please read my poem the angel within which is of a similar topic. thanks xXx