Comments : Darkness

  • 18 years ago

    by .K.i.T.t.Y.

    I liked the poem.. the structure could use some work though.

    did you comment me becuz i posted a double or w/e board. cuz i cant find if i had posted a board saying ill comment back twice as much. so just let me.

  • 18 years ago

    by KRose

    OMFG your poems are totally awsome!!! and thanks for the comment on my poems!!!
    you rox

  • 17 years ago

    by MaSkEdSoUl

    Hate those types of comments ^^^ seems like they're not really readin the poem. Anyways on this line:

    "A cry for help that everyone ignore"

    Add an 's' at the end of ingore


    "A child's mind in an adults
    body wanting to be seen and heard"

    Okay on this I would have it be like the word body next to adults and then wanting... will have its own line so it'd be:

    A childs mind in an adults body,
    Wanting to be seen and heard

    Same with this:

    "Asking but not saying hoping
    someone will notice."

    But hoping on the next line.

    And ones like this:

    "A child found, not just another
    face. A voice that grows stronger"

    I dont really like when a thought is put on to the next line and it ends with a period. So the one like this try to not put a period in between a line, make one thought one line so it'd be:

    A child found, not just another face.
    A voice that grows stronger

    Like that. Oh one last thing, I think if you put this in stanzas it'd give it structure. Its just my opinions, I hope I didnt sound rude or anything I just wanted to be honest!