Teenage Girls

by ~Rae-Lee~   Feb 9, 2007

I lovedspending hours just laughing with you
Being brats and bugging people was nothing new
That was in the past and this is now
How did we end up like this..How
I miss everything about about us
How we got in truoble that one time on the bus
Or when we got our Nick Name
And how our sleep overs were impossible to be lame
We always found somthing to do
This is why I miss you

I wish thing could be normal
But what can I say were just a couple teenage girls that are a bit hormonal


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  • 17 years ago

    by dee

    Hey its a cute poem. i like it.

  • 18 years ago

    by A girl broken until

    It was nice :] please keep writing

  • 18 years ago

    by Black night

    Hey, nice poem. Keep up the good work.
    -Black night-

  • 18 years ago

    by miipenguiinsocksrock

    Ooh this was really good
    keep this up.. write more plz