The day forever ended

by SomewhereAmongThePieces   Feb 9, 2007

She sits alone in her seat on the school bus
Pretending she is headed somewhere else
She’s scratching at the frosty window
Desperately hoping- praying that the glass beneath
Will reveal a place far away from everything she knows

But then she peers through the broken frost
And only sees gloom in the bitter cold morning
For a moment she wonders if hell has frozen over
Yes, and possibly this- her reality, is it
A place when she will forever pay for the sins of her past

Voices run through her mind like a hail storm
They pound through her thoughts and she cries
The voice of a best friend says “I’ll always be here”
And the words “no matter what” drift to a memory
The bright blue eyes which once said “forever” are empty

Her family who was once beaming with pride
Now turn their heads when she walks in
Their hearts are heavy with disappointment
And display all- just in the sadness of their eyes
They want nothing to do with what she’s become

Nobody trusts a liar; nobody can love a dirty screw-up
Now that remains is just a girl who had it good and lost it all
She’s dying to start over but can’t- it’s not that easy
She’s trapped on this bus so she can be trapped in a school
And the school traps her in a church where she doesn’t belong

There’s no where else to live except for amongst the guilt- home
And as long as she will live at home, she will be trapped
With that thought she prays for all this pain to end
And as the bus pulls into the school parking lot
She closes her eyes and hears a voice unlike any she’s heard

“I love you my dear child” it was gentle but firm
“I promise everything will be okay, because I will always be here
I’ve forgiven you for what you’ve done and I paid your price in full
And one day I will take you to heaven to be with me forever”
When she got inside she found a quiet place where no one could see her

She pulled her brand new scissors out of her school bag
As she turned them over in her hands she looked up and said
“I’m ready to be with you forever”


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  • 17 years ago

    by stillmomsgirl

    HOLY S*** is all i can say. That beats the crap out of every one of my stories and poems!!! WOW
    sorry if me saying holy s*** offended u
    ne ways amazing job!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet Fragility

    Very deep, very expressive poem. i love your word choice. So descriptive too.

    A place when she will forever pay for the sins of her past

    My fave line ^^

    keep up the good work!

  • 17 years ago

    by K3LSI3

    Another great almost made me cry.great job.

  • 17 years ago

    by PrincessCatalina

    Great use of symbolism and imagery. its beautiful, thanks for the comment. keep up the great work, I love your style of writing.

  • 17 years ago

    by PrincessCatalina

    Great use of symbolism and imagery. its beautiful, thanks for the comment. keep up the great work, I love your style of writing.

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