by Avrii Monrielle Feb 9, 2007
category :
Dark, fantasy /
fantasy, mystical
Locked inside myself |
by Yuna
I had great enjoyment reading this. It reminds me of myself at times. Thank-you for writing it. |
by donk2ymouth
I don't have a lot to say about this poem at the moment, it's cryptic and I couldn't understand it, but poetry is in the eye of the beholder, in your eyes, it might be as clear as glass. Anyway, it's a good poem, and I was just wondering about the rhyme scheme. Some of them rhyme, while others don't. Was this meant to happen? It doesn't really matter. Keep up the good work. |
by MyDevotion
I really enjoyed the dark rythme of it, Good job! |
by Alicia
Nice Imagery and Flow. |