Our Eyes Forever Collide*

by Hunter Scott   Feb 9, 2007

To look into her eyes would be the ultimate dive... So I skate around the edges, using the beautiful curves and contours of her brows as an excuse. The stare is penetrating, lanced with auburn and orange. Yet it is hesitant, and longing for one to have posture, and dive stumbling into her green clear navy shafts of grace and thick water. To swim there could mean suffocation, or soothing warmth. Either way, all shafts lead to the snake skin black orb and spill into/mix with/ churned a random/bonded and become Finality.

Gold light passes over mine weak pea soup. I am saved from the shafts... The Orb.

Mine eyes are bedridden, under cobs and webs of innocence. A matrix of layers of green mossy life. - - - A glance, a knife, searing hot sizzle... just a one night stand. With a song of support from the heavens mine mossy green eyes sag. A Reprimand, A Blow, a Light Touch of Reality- the ashes of mossy life blow away and violet shafts of violent life appear. With spangled shafts of auburn, our eyes closely match. My forced sharing of pain gives me posture to dive,
Finality, Reality,
Forever Collide.

*Any poem marked with this symbol is part of a set


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  • 18 years ago

    by Sandra D

    I love it!!
    This is my favorite poem!! i don't care if i already said that about another one of your poems, nevermind, b/c i like this one better! you're so descriptive... it's amazing!
