Noithing Changed?

by Ashley Swain   Feb 9, 2007

You said nothing would change and I believed you. I wanted to be the one that you came home to and called just to say goodnight and I Love You. We broke up and you promised nothing would change but, it did. You wont look at me let alone walk beside me in the hallways. We never talk we just sit there and breath. Whats the point? why do I bother? I never wanted a change. Maybe we shouldve never dated. I regret that now I've lost the one person that meant the world to me and now I cant ever get that back.. Why did we change? why did you change?


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  • 18 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    Wow, this cud be me n my ex. n i recognise those feelings with a stinging reality, you have written with such finesse that i really do feel like crying, well done