My fears , My dreams, My hops

by Desirae   Feb 9, 2007

My fears, my dreams, my hops
they are what make me.
But they are not always
as they seem to be.

I am let down time after time
As my fears become reality
My dreams are Shattered
And my hops were never there

My fears of be travail
of being alone
is beneath the surface
waiting to come forth

My dreams of a perfect life
of having it all
become nonexistent when i took my first step
and proceed to fall

My hopes for the future
for having who ever so desire
were not there
because i receive a desire in return

why dos e lift
seem to have a way
of letting you div
on each and every day

i want some answers
to help me out
so my dream, my fears, and my hopes
may come about


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  • 18 years ago

    by Fay

    Yeh I agree u did need a little spell check :S lol but its okay i understood it, good job ;).

  • 18 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    Some weird spellings, but apart from that a really good poem. i liked the hope at the end but the contrasting desperation in the rest of the poem, well done