Consumed With In

by FallingDownFast   Feb 9, 2007

A crack in the heart
Of a lost girl.
She became consumed
Obsess with becoming so thin.

Her smile fools all the world
Her eyes turn yellow
Her skin is tan
From all the products she believes so much in

She goes to the store
She buys what she can
She steals what she cant.

She needs it all
The pills
The lies

why cant anyone look behind her tattered eyes?

One day she will get caught
Her luck will end

But for right now she is tied in a knot
Consumed with in!


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  • 18 years ago

    by lovedxlost

    Sad it true? I love the order that you put your rhymes in

  • 18 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    Most people are caught up in the moment, after a while there is no conviction. sad but true

    your servant:

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