
by Alicia   Feb 9, 2007

Tears drip down my face.
Liquid pain.
Thanks for being here.
When you have nothing to gain.

Look in mirror.
What do you see?
A broken child.
That girl is me.

Her eyes well with tears.
Her face is thin.
But this is her payment.
For every sin.

Don't try to save her.
She's buried deep inside.
Forget you saw her.
She'll only hide.

She's apart of myself.
But still a mystery.
She hold my regrets.
Contains my history.

Don't expect to see her.
She's only a reflection.
She disappears when I turn.
To the darkness she runs.

I turn away, eyes now dry.
My face is happy again.
Full of life.
Ignoring my sins.

I'll live life day to day.
Hiding this person inside.
There she'll stay.
Until I've cried.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by StephanieMichelle

    I like this one!!! Great job 5/5 Thanks for commenting on mine!!

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    This one is so sad. i felt so many
    emotions reading it. you did a really good job. the mirror is one place
    i try to stay away from.


  • 18 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    You know, that is a heavy burden to bear. someone will help

    your servant: