Death of so many

by Cherish   Feb 10, 2007

GUNSHOTS, crack the silent air
i need to move but i don't dare
bombs exploding, on my left and right
they keep on going through out the night
i crawl along on the muddy ground
hoping not to make a sound
Crying pleas drowning all my hope
they sound um bearable i cannot cope
I heave myself up under my equipped weight
awaiting my eternal fate
then i see a soldiers longing death
as he take his last and final breath
is this what, we're fighting for
so many dieing because of war
as i look across the broken land
i see soldiers walking hand in hand
but then my vision fades away
as a bomb hit the land and I'm its prey
i feel my eyes water I'm crying for pain
but whos the one that i'm to blame....


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  • 18 years ago

    by Jaded Reaper

    Thanks for the comment you wrote for my poem!

    I Love this poem, It explains so much!

    Luv Nikki


  • 18 years ago

    by XfromwithinX
