Pain and gain

by Silent Screams   Feb 10, 2007

This was supoose to be a quote but it's to long,please r/r/c. . .thanks so much
i will return the favor. . .

Life's getting to rough

so I begin to cut


past my ivory cream skin

I begin to scream

dig the glass right down deep

past my skin and the other scars

digging deeper my blood begins to run

now my hands and wrists are soaked

lying on the floor screaming and crying

I begin to dig some more


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  • 17 years ago

    by Liz

    Good poem
    sad but good

  • 17 years ago

    by why is life so miserable

    Awesome poem 5/5 cynthia m. X]

  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    Wow you got checkl out thr poet on this site called koriey you'll relate
    also a tip stop explaining ur poems
    they talk 4 themselves like in that one about ur 16 b.d.
    ITS like you don't think we will understand so u explain but u don't have to. ur talent speakes 4 itself
    got it lol cy

  • 18 years ago

    by Chris

    Great poem, a little dark for me, but thats just my taste... glad to see you writing again, keep up the good work.
