Oh How I Wish

by Chelsey   Feb 10, 2007

I’d give anything to be with you
Just give me a sign or a cue
I don’t know how to create a spark
I’m nervous you’ll give a negative remark

I’d give anything to kiss your lips
Oh what would it be like if you held my hips?
I close my eyes and I start to lust
I wish something would happen between the two of us

I’d give anything to just hold your hand
Become your lover and call you my man
You’re everything I ever wanted and more
But how you feel about me, I’m unsure

My hopes are getting high but I’m not prepared
What if you turn me down? That’s why I’m scared
I just wish you could look in my eyes
See my personality; know that I’m not in disguise

Oh how I wish there really was a Cupid and a bow
I’d make him hit you and you wouldn’t even know
You’d fall for me so fast your knees would go weak
You wouldn’t know how to act or how to speak

Oh how I have all these wishes and none will come true
Unless I can get a simple sign from you
Do you like me or am I friend?
Do you want a girlfriend or is this just pretend?

You smile and joke with me, is this a game?
My head is spinning, my heart is in flames
You confuse me and I don’t know what to think
Am I misreading all those stares and winks?

Oh how I wish you’d just make a stupid move
So I can tell you how I feel and our relationship can improve
If I can’t have you, then there is no one for me
You’re the only gentleman I know baby

I just wish Cupid was real and could do good deeds
Because you’re not a want, you’re a need
I’d do anything, for you to ask me on a date
Please just do something before its to late


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  • 17 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Wow well reading this certainly makes me look at my lil titta in a different light doesnt it - makes me feel like your growing up - fast, probably a lil too fast for my liking. I remember when you couldnt stand boys, well you werent interested in them all that much anyways so who is the lucky man deserving of such a well written poem of passion hmmmm Miss Palm?

    i expect an email within the week madam....

    Love you loved the poem off to read and catch up on more of your new posts Im itching to read this anna nicole one I have heard so much about

    Your sis


  • 17 years ago

    by Ashley

    WOW!.. Amazing poem seriously.. thats probably one of the best i have EVER read!.. .honestly that was Awesome.. Great Job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Roxy

    :D This poem made me happy, I have no clue why. It's just full of passion and joy that anyone would jump in gleam for. I love this poem so much, Who ever that 'man' may be, Is a very lucky chap To have someone who loves him so much she could write the most sweetest words in the book!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Jason Rainey

    Very good! You should show this to him. Sometimes guys are clueless but you could never be turned down with words like that.

  • 17 years ago

    by SaraH_*

    Great job