Comments : Oh How I Wish

  • 17 years ago

    by Lu

    Oh how I wish there really was a Cupid and a bow
    I’d make him hit you and you wouldn’t even know
    You’d fall for me so fast your knees would go weak
    You wouldn’t know how to act or how to speak
    You have created quite an image here A.I.D
    I can just picture this arrow piercing this guys butt ......then him falling to his knees in PAIN ... lmao

    Awww Chels Cupid will pierce the butt of your one true love someday. And as you nurse him back to health .... he will fall deeply in love with you.
    P.S I told Jess there is no possible way you will marry him .... UNLESS ... he gets his act together

    A great read as usual Sweet Pea

  • 17 years ago

    by Romantic Lover

    That was a very nice poem with a lot of feeling.
    Great job.

  • 17 years ago

    by SaraH_*

    Great job

  • 17 years ago

    by Jason Rainey

    Very good! You should show this to him. Sometimes guys are clueless but you could never be turned down with words like that.

  • 17 years ago

    by Roxy

    :D This poem made me happy, I have no clue why. It's just full of passion and joy that anyone would jump in gleam for. I love this poem so much, Who ever that 'man' may be, Is a very lucky chap To have someone who loves him so much she could write the most sweetest words in the book!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Ashley

    WOW!.. Amazing poem seriously.. thats probably one of the best i have EVER read!.. .honestly that was Awesome.. Great Job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    Wow well reading this certainly makes me look at my lil titta in a different light doesnt it - makes me feel like your growing up - fast, probably a lil too fast for my liking. I remember when you couldnt stand boys, well you werent interested in them all that much anyways so who is the lucky man deserving of such a well written poem of passion hmmmm Miss Palm?

    i expect an email within the week madam....

    Love you loved the poem off to read and catch up on more of your new posts Im itching to read this anna nicole one I have heard so much about

    Your sis
