Sweetly Singing

by FrozenTearsBleed   Feb 10, 2007

He hears her voice,
Strong, catching his ear,
He struts over to her,
Yet turns away in fear.

Day turns to night,
He returns to that place,
she is there so elegant,
Dressed in fine lace.

Singing her heart out,
With all around,
But he doesn't truly know her,
Just her voice, her sound.

She has so much pain,
Held locked up inside,
Tears stream down her face,
Just too much to hide.

He wishes to talk with her,
Take her tonight,
Yet as walks home,
She found the white light.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Wow Excellent poem!
    I really loved this write. The sadness comes right from the heart. 5/5 Take Care Cindy