White chalk

by Espoirfailed   Feb 10, 2007

No going back now,
The wall of dreadful deeds
has grown far too high to climb.
The only thing we ever did together
Was build that wall,
The only thing we did,
Destroyed it all.

Your poison rigged hand,
Wrote your venomous plans,
As you trace the outline of my silhouette
In a white chalk,
So pure in contrast.

And glide your fingers wickedly over my legs,
In an attempt to tease,
And my heart flutters
As my shoulders shudder,
I'm not going here again.
Or am I?

Longing so much,
That one more brutal soft touch
Could snap my bones,
And massacre my soul,
If it's not done already,
Take a deep breath
And breathe steady.

Your drawings complete
As I fall to sleep,
You cover my mouth with your hand
So that I never wake.
You know I'll never understand.
My eyes peeled back
Engage yours.
And now we are happy
And now I understand.


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  • 17 years ago

    by xXxDarkDreamerxXx

    Your poison rigged hand,
    Wrote your venomous plans
    i Liked this line! its so kewl!
    And the imagry of it was kinda hunting for me but it was still a great write!

  • 18 years ago

    by Behind Blue Eyes

    This poem was probably one of the best i've ever read! i cant tell what it was that touched me so much...whether it was the way you we able to express yourself, or the fact that i could relate to this a lot! maybe both, i guess? :p

    awesome poem!


    :] <33

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle18

    Wow...interesting poem..good job!

  • 18 years ago

    by ellewen

    Wow, that was fantastic, i really enjoyed reading this. It has a great flow, and its very visual. You use words like "Your poison rigged hand,
    Wrote your venomous plans," And it is nice because it is different. Your set of vocalbulary makes it fun and more interesting. It's great! keep it up.


  • 18 years ago

    by Nandiix3

    Wow that was intense. I loved it! It made me feel so much 5/5