The last break up

by MyDevotion   Feb 10, 2007

The rain calls my name
the thunder screams last day
lightning strikes
Gods eerie might
light up my night
see your face wet on my steps
was this true love
or a fairy tale whipped
with a poisoned tip,

Thrust the dagger of hate
into the soul of determination and fate
break my life down
like a plane crash in me
fallen and free
broken from every limb
stiff and stolen
lost and forgotten,

Let me out to sea
burry me in thee
drop the bomb of hope
feeling the burning sensation
ghosts of temptation
loosen the tie around my neck
loosen your touch
grip of death,

Back away from me
let me see the meaning to be
I said I'd never leave you
that only secured the blood written contract
on a side of little contact
hand of power laid down
your over with me
I'm finally done,

And everything I knew
And everything I thought I knew
the reason of existence
my thoughts of you
lies lies lies
feelings of hurt doesn't give you time
the loss of heart
happens on the drop of a dime
soulless, thoughtless, beings of death,

Floating, hovering, over my breast
sucking the breathe and beat out of my chest
loosening my grip
shooting me with the poisoned tips of hell
picking at me
forever sealed and never healing,

Guitar solo's play
drums then bass
the reckoning to be
decay and shame
who knew there was another side to popularity and fame
this bitter taste on your lips
is enough to kiss this boy good bye
endless nightmare of hellfire and then your eyes
sightless spheres of mist
burning coals of compassion
turned to natural cold demonic emptiness
festering with evils of deception
reasons to give up were noticed during my redemption,

How dare you
how careless in your thoughts of all
drama and ice cold thoughts
the pain one has bought
is not even close to the pain one has sought.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Tammie

    This is an interesting poem. In the beginning I thought the rhyming seemed a bit forced, but it worked out in the end. You have such wide spread word choice which always makes poems so much more enjoyable to read. The ending was good, a strong ending to a great poem. 5/5
