A Revolving Heart

by MyDevotion   Feb 10, 2007

Will you lay with me
will you stay with me
give me a reason to once again breathe
rest your head against my warm chest
feel my heart beat on your breast
for you my heart is always pure and true

My white light doused with so much hate
a needless pain I can not escape
evanescence in my mind
repeated gothic words more and more each time
making me hate you hating me
is what you've always been good at
Darling don't you see

my words turned around so hurtfully
my hugs torn from your grasp
and thrown to the floor
like a random shirt or sash
just like that your gone again
and me with no reasons to fight again
please stop this
I can't take this
a breaking emotion from just one kiss

love is not a word used freely
to you it is meant
a word that is used to express my utmost passion
seemingly bent, used by you almost as the new fashion
throw from man to man
without a care, I can not bare

I can't say I will always feel this way
a love for you is not just thrown away
but with the way you put me at bay
I won't be second up whenever
just used to get an extra flavor
if you feel like you need another boy
theres this real man waiting for you
for he is not a toy...


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  • 18 years ago

    by Kaila

    I loved this!! I hate how you have to go through this crap though! it's no fun! nice poem!

  • 18 years ago

    by ShootingStar179

    I am not very impressed. The stanzas seems very drawn out. Some rhymes were very forced. I also had to reread some lines because they were so jumbled-looking.

    Tips(Take them or leave them):

    "like a random shirt or sash"

    Very very random line. I understand the comparison but it seemed as if you were just looking for something to rhyme.

    "making me hate you hating me"

    The same word twice in one line. With the exception of I, doing that just confuses the reader.

    Hope I helped. Overall, not a bad read.

  • 18 years ago

    by Tammie

    There's alot of emotion in this and I can really feel it. I, as well as alot of other people, could definately relate to the word 'love' being used too lightly. I really enjoyed reading this, you had great word choice and flow. Keep it up. =]
