What If

by Brittany   Feb 11, 2007

What would happen if I were to wake up with a smile?
Would the sun be brighter?
Would my skies change from grey?
Would my friends be cheerful and smile with me?
What would happen if I stop hating and started to forgive?
Would people follow my joy?
Would more people live?
What would happen If there was no tomorrow?
Would you live this day with all you’ve got?
Would you spend it with the people you love?
Would you cherish ever moment?
What would happen if someone said I love you?
Would you say it back?
Would you have a heart-attack?
---for all the times you never felt loved?
What would happen if for one day everything went right?
Would that mean the world is coming to an end?
What if?
What if is what the world asks.
What if I did this instead of that?
What if I said that instead of this?
What if..What if...
What would happen if I came to a cross road?
If I took the one to the right?
Kept on walking and never did look back..
What if is the game, do you know how to play it?


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  • 18 years ago

    by CherryAttitude

    Wow that was a deep poem I think from now on I'm going to start to question more thing and lookat things from different aspects; }