
by Rahl The Layman Lord   Feb 11, 2007

A classic question, A classic thought
What is it?
What is this strange emotion?
This gut wrenching feeling,
This thing we call love

Felt in that first glimpse
That first realization
That first thought that she's the one

Respect felt,
Thoughts running wild,
Emotions too strong to contain
Smiles, endless smiles
Ahh the feelings, the perfect bliss

A stray look,
A momentary glance
Foggy distance between

Distance? But there is no distance
There is only us, nothing else
I feel your pain anywhere,
I see your tears,
I am there through those long nights

What is love?
Love is us, together...always
Love is pain, tears, love is shared
Love is the smiles, the bliss,
The times we would never trade

What is love?
Love is what we share


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  • 17 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Nicely worded and penned, I enjoyed the read. I felt the flow could of been a little better, however it was ok.

    Peace, Joe

  • 17 years ago

    by Daz Mellow

    Oh joy! Love. lol that was random, sorry. I totes swoonedm so be honored. lol just kidding. :P Good job, never knew any guy that could write a love poem like that, this is one of a kind. Kudos! XD

  • 18 years ago

    by silvershoes

    :) This poem is much deeper than I think most people can comprehend. Luckily, it all makes sense to me. Beautifully written Tarzan.


  • 18 years ago

    by N J Thornton

    Love indeed.