
by jenny V   Feb 11, 2007


Don't let my pain be a reason for you to lie to my face.
Don't let me lay on the floor repeatly to fall again for your eyes.
Don't let my wounds drive you around my crust of this heart because I can fall again for your lips.
Don't let your hands burn upon my body because I cannot burn.
Don't miss my lips when you come and hug me and leave the wind to kiss my lips rather than yours.
Don't let me cry to the mellow hills and scream you're name to the moon but only get back a single raindrop run down my face.
Don't let me forget your words whispering to my ears at night while I sleep.
Don't fall into the sea for me not to see you again.
Don't fall for the misguided music beats the heart plays.
Don' let the beautiful things in your life be blinded by the words that come only from a thorn.
Don't show me pain, show me the softens of your skin, let me smell the blooming tress from the warm smile you carry.
Don't let love become a curse because love is innocent.
Don't melt the soul for others that leaves you in a miserable skin only to cry at night for no else to hear, but me.
Don't sit there looking at me with nothing to say.
Don't let my pain be a reason for you to lie to my face, to my skin, to my eyes, to my name that spilt into two.


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  • 18 years ago

    by jenny V


  • 18 years ago

    by Krzysztof J

    I agree with that :) its a great poem :)) 5/5