Picturing Your Face

by gabriel   Feb 11, 2007

Lying down in bed
Staring into space
Thinking of you
Picturing your face

My hands gone limped
From drinking so
What I go through
You just don't know

My mind's a blur
But you're all I see
Never knowing why
You weren't for me

I try to blink but
It's such a chore
Don't want you to
Disappear anymore

I fight back the urge
But I can't refrain
A second of darkness
And eternal pain

And so I lie down
Staring into space
Thinking of you
Picturing your face


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  • 18 years ago

    by melly xx

    Hmmm this poem was okay. I felt like after every few words I would just stop, like the next part was missing, except it was in the next line. The rhyming seemed a little forced, this poem seemed a little clicheish as well.
    OKay job.

  • 18 years ago

    by X~Angie~X

    Incredible.. i compeletly love it. keep writing i will keep reading 5/5
    take care
    luve angie