365 days

by leinhart   Feb 11, 2007

For Valentine my friend gave his girl,
A present what inside i do not know,
But this i know is what he said,
When he gave it to her,

Honey this a present for you,
OOh thank you you are so sweet,
Honey i just want you to know,
What is it?

Consider this is the present for Valentine, New Year, Christmas,
Thanksgiving, Your birthday, Our Anniversary, Halloween, and all other celebrations that you celebrate, Love you!!!

He ran away after that! shouting,
Consider i a year present, so i can have anoter 365 days to think what to get you!!!!!

(i do not know whether this is really funny, but read ita few times, appreciate the time!)


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  • 17 years ago

    by cupcake

    I thought it was funny

  • 18 years ago

    by Katlynn

    This poem is good but yet kinda confused me because you kinda jumped around a little bit which to me its okay because it happens to me all the time with my mistakes. There's the last paragraph that should have Its not I.. example:

    "He ran away after that! shouting,
    Consider i a year present, so i can have anoter 365 days to think what to get you!!!!!"

    should be

    "he ran away after that! shouting, consider IT'S a year present, so i can have another 365 days to think what to get you"

    but other then that you did a good job, i would say this would be a cute giggle poem which i did giggle so you did your job to get the job done. very nice.

    keep up the good work. keep on writing. love always and forever.