Comments : 365 days

  • 18 years ago

    by Katlynn

    This poem is good but yet kinda confused me because you kinda jumped around a little bit which to me its okay because it happens to me all the time with my mistakes. There's the last paragraph that should have Its not I.. example:

    "He ran away after that! shouting,
    Consider i a year present, so i can have anoter 365 days to think what to get you!!!!!"

    should be

    "he ran away after that! shouting, consider IT'S a year present, so i can have another 365 days to think what to get you"

    but other then that you did a good job, i would say this would be a cute giggle poem which i did giggle so you did your job to get the job done. very nice.

    keep up the good work. keep on writing. love always and forever.

  • 17 years ago

    by cupcake

    I thought it was funny