
by PoetryHeart   Feb 11, 2007

Imagine a world
Where wind blows so soft
And laughter and joy
Were frequent and oft.

Imagine a world
Where work is like play.
And the sun smiles warmly
On you every day.

With your best friends around you
You're never alone
and each day after school
You talk on the phone.

When you know if your sad
There are places to go
A soft shoulder to cry on
As you let your pain go

Now imagine that world
On a bright summers day
As you stand there and watch it
all get torn away.

after 3 months of mourning
you're in a new school
Where your youngest and dumbest
and feel like a fool

There used to be good days
and bad days were rare
But now thats reversed
and your to cold to care

For the warmth that you loved
has blown off on the breeze
Now your shivering and cold
always ill at ease

Your hearts in your throat
and the fears in your mind
But where to go now
When the worlds so unkind?

You flee from the lunchroom
And dash for the stairs
knowing no one will miss you
Because nobody cares

And as tears streak your face
At noon every day
You wonder if ever
You won't feel this way.

Imagine a world
of deception and fear
With lies, drinks, and drugs
That don't belong here

Imagine my friend
just what would you do?
If this new scary life
Thrust itself upon you?

And so that is why
sometimes i won't talk
Why i flee class so anxious
And go for a walk

I need you right now
so please stay with me, friend
Through this nightmare of change
Until we reach the end.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Samantha Jayneee

    This is really good... a girl once wrote me a poem similar to this. its a shame we're not close anymore :( but anyway, amazing work. well done x

  • 18 years ago

    by Espoirfailed

    I have been reading ur poems since u joined this site and each one gets better, reading this one i felt almost proud lol, ur have progressed so much and from ur first poem to this one has been such a mssive change, ur writing is now full of talent, imagination and non forced rhymes :D

    my fav bit was:

    knowing no one will miss you
    Because nobody cares

    god, ur a good poet!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Fredy

    "YOU may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one". Jhon Lenon.

    i'm with you dreaming, now let's make it a reality. 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by katrina

    This is a really touching excellent story was told....5/5 from me...thanx

  • 18 years ago

    by SomewhereAmongThePieces

    I love your writing style.
    You're not the only one who doesn't have to just imagine.
    keep writing! you're really good