Comments : Blue Thunder [Lyrics]

  • 17 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    Well this is the final peom im gonning to comment on of your poems but i am going to read more...
    All i can say is that youve got some real talent. I like the corus of this poem, especialy "Cower, Hide, Flea in fear", i just really like the "Flea in fear" as it uses a little bit of aliteration and i really liekd it. I liked the entire idea of the lyrics. Blue thunder... Good rhyming, the peom has good rhythem and a good flow. I really enjoyed reading your poems. Keep writing hun. xx

  • 17 years ago

    by bleeding limegrenn

    Wow that wuz just wow i like the part"Its lightning sharp as razors"

  • 17 years ago

    by xoxShorteexox

    I'd have this song on my mp3 player on repeat! Especially with a good band!
    This song would hit the big times!
    But you know not everyone has my good taste in music. Lol.
    Powerful words, babe.
    I really liked it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    I really enjoyed this piece. Not as much as your other son though, that one is my favorite. But this was was really good and it was different! I love when songs or poems or whatever are unique. And that just is awesome when you can do that and make it work nice job