Answers Left Unsaid(about eating disorder)

by Nicole   Feb 11, 2007

I have so many questions
Running through my head.
But all the answers
Are left unsaid.

Why do I keep living
My life the way I do
When I know it only causes pain
To not only me, but others too?

Why did it all start?
How did this whole thing begin?
Why can't I crush this voice inside my head?
Why do i keep letting it win?

Why did it pick me?
How can I get rid of this evil voice?
All it does is control my mind
And makes me believe I have no choice.

Will I ever get better?
How long will this last?
How did it ever get so bad?
Was it because of the problems I've endured in the past?

Why do I suffer
With this stress each day?
Why can't it just be simple
To make it all go away?

Why do I lie awake
In bed each night?
Why is my own mind
So hard to fight?

Why is it so hard
For me to fall asleep?
Why is there so much on my mind?
How did this thing get so deep?

How much more
Of this can I take?
Before it all falls apart
And my whole body breaks?

I can't think of any answers
As my body remains unfed.
So as I keep living with this problem,
All my answers are left unsaid.


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  • 17 years ago

    by MiaFairy

    This is a really great poem 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Hannah

    I am only 14 but i have an eating disorder to... everyone says i am way to thin but i just can not see it. i know exactly how you feel.

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