God Called His Name

by Zoe   Feb 11, 2007

His clothes were ripped
His body had bruises
His teachers asked questions
But he made up excuses

His classmates were clueless
About his life at home
His teachers were too
But they all should have known

His mom said he was bad
The reason her life was hell
So she always beat him
Hit him until he fell

Hit him across the face
Hit him until he bled
He wished he could disappear
He wished his mom was dead

She never used his name
She just called him "the boy"
She played harsh games with his body
Treated him as a toy

All his bones nearly broken
As he was thrown to the ground
He pictured a loving mom
And wished happiness could be found

He laid there in pain
But tried hard not to cry
For he knew his fate
If a tear fell from his eye

He was left in hunger
If he did a wrong
And when he stole food
The beatings lasted so long

Hit after hit
The minutes ticked by
He knew she wouldn't care
If he were to die

One day after school
He came home a little late
He walked in and cried
Because he knew his fate

He pleaded for help
As she beat him in rage
Closed his eyes and folded his hands
Prayed to be released from this cage

His body was numb
As the bright light came
His mom didn't stop
And God called his name

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  • 16 years ago

    by NoUr

    Oh my god!!
    that's horrible..the poem is amazing..but is that true?! can moms do so?! what was she blind!!
    i was deeeeeeeeeply touched by this poem i'm really sad 4 that boy :'( if there r such moms they should be sent to prison r something..or get cured..

  • 16 years ago

    by Mackenzie

    This is an amazing piece of poetry. by far on of the best i've read. i love it. 5/5.

    great job && keep it up

    much love,

    just another silly teenage girl.</3

  • 16 years ago

    by Kelly

    Wow your work is so amazing, You really seem to have an insight into such a tragic events.
    "His body was numb
    As the bright light came
    His mom didn't stop
    And God called his name"
    there is certain stanza's in your work which just take my breath away and the above is one of them. A very very sad and emotional piece. Hard to get so much emotion across but amazingly done.


  • 18 years ago

    by Krzysztof J

    Wow very powerfull i enjoyed reading it :))