I'm Sorry

by gabriel   Feb 11, 2007

This poem I write
Will say how I feel
Whether or not you'll know
But this is just for real

I felt I screwed up so
It seemed so very bad
I wished I'd know
How not to feel so sad

Things were going fine
Right from the very start
Everything was great
Even meeting Dag, my mutt

I think Dag could feel
And somehow he just knew
That I just had something
A special place for you

He was extra playful
It's always in his style
But what really made my day
Was when I saw you smile

I wished we didn't stayed
Over at the chalet
Instead have gone to town
And have a better day

It was the walk to the beach
Where I held you hand
Somehow things went wrong
Of which I can't amend

Your body language said so
I felt just like a fool
You didn't scream or shout
But you just acted cool

I wished you'd just tell me
What I did just wrong
At least I'd know what
I did right all along

I don't want this to end
Our friendship that is
I'm really sorry for
Planting that tainted 'kiss'

I really do like you
A lot as a friend
Please don't leave me hanging
I hope you understand

Frankly speaking so
You've THE quality
Of a girl I've always wanted
That perfect personality

You are just so different
From the others around
Being you is full of fun
You keep my sanity sound

You party like an animal
But study like mad
I was this wouldn't be
One of those lousy fad

I really want to have
Waffle ice cream once more
Then maybe we can ice-skate
Or just boogie on the dance floor

I feel so terrible
My day has been quite blurry
I guess all I want
Is just to say, "I'm sorry"


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  • 18 years ago

    by tryinXtoXholdXmyXheadXup

    Thanx for the comment and my cutting poems are two years old i quit shortly after the suiced of a friend thanx again

  • 18 years ago

    by Sole

    Nice writing, heartfelt poem, but I think that some verses don't really interlink with the rest of the poem...

    Good Luck.