by Squeeze   Feb 11, 2007

I loved what i had,
i loved what you gave me,
moving on seems so fast,
i'm lost now,
b/c your what i had,
and what i don't have now


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  • 18 years ago

    by kelley

    Abby 4 sum reason u've shut evry1 out. 1st shirly, then me, now destiny. u don't hav 2 reply but i want u 2kno i'm still here if u need to tlk. i kno sumpthing is wrong. nothing changed until u got on that pill. i'ts seemd 2 hav the opposite effect. mayb this is none of my buisness. but u were a great friend, now ur distant, hav n aditude. and only welcome love. i ddn't tell korey about u n damon. that day n history, friday she was tlk'n bout the 1st time u kissed. we're all worried about u. tlk 2 sum1, its ok if u dnt tlk 2 me bout it. but tlk 2 sum1. i'm worried

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