Wishing You Were Mine

by Bryan   Feb 11, 2007

Your beautiful eyes, twinkle like the stars in this black sky,
illuminating goodbyes, cease as the moonlight begin to die.

Intoxicating lips burn my already blushed face,
your captivating beauty, such a sweet and warm embrace.

No place left for my wounded heart to hide,
no feeling more painful than this feeling I have inside.

You know its true, that no matter what I do,
I'll wait for an eternity just to be with you.

With the face of an angel, pretty eyes that shine,
it seems that I'll remain here forever, wishing you were mine.

i know, not my best but i had writers block, so ill add more later.

Bryan Hunt © 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by blind soul

    Wow that was really good! i like how its in little parts! but im weird so ya lol! but i really like it its great! keep up the good work:)

  • 17 years ago

    by iris

    Nice poem =)

  • 17 years ago

    by xxrachxx

    Beautiful poem i kno wat you mean
    keep up the great writing
    i wouldn't have ever known you had writer block when you wrote this poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Sam

    I think your poem was nice!

  • 17 years ago

    by hearthimalways

    I luvvv it!!! its so cuute! =]