
by mathiax   Feb 12, 2007

People say that friendships are valued
They say that every child goes to his first day at school
And that it is there that he meets a person who will be his friend forever
That a person without a friend wont be happy
Well I�ve lived that day and I�ve met that person
Someone so wonderful that they changed me completely
Made me feel as if I was the most special girl of them all
Someone that through times of misery made me feel happy
When with them I feel safe
They made me hyper made me playful made me sociable
When with them I�m a different person.
The world would have never seen my true colours if it wasn�t for them
Made me reveal my true self that personality that I�ve always tried to hide
The strong, cheerful person I am today is because of them
For without them, I would have been a shy and silent girl
Having them by my side made me look forward to school and life
Crying was never a priority when I was with them for it was only joyful things they spoke of
Made me see that my life isn�t that bad is what they did
To many I appeared shy, quiet, and fragile
To my family I appeared reserved, timid, miserable and dying
To them I am a person totally out of this world
In this world I can now survive thanks to them
A person who knows what they want from life and knows how to get it, is what I am now
An independent person
A person who can go through anything and come out in one piece
A person who can go to bed with the same smile she got out of bed with
A person who looks at the positive things in every situation
A person who looks for the good in everyone around her
A person who does not know the definition of hate
A person who lends a helping hand to anyone in need
A person who knows who, when, and how to love another person
A person who is everything that her mother wanted her to be
Who is this?
This is me
Thanks to that very person I met on the first day of school
My best friend, sister, and twin
From the fate that most girls fell into and couldn�t get out you saved me
From all the evils in my past you rescued me
To succeed in life is now my goal
Happy and cheerful is what I am
All this is thanks to you
A hopeless romantic I am, its true
You knew it from the start
If it wasn�t for you by my side I would have never become the person I am today
Because they said I wouldn�t make it, I swore I�d make it
I was doubted and my dreams were made fun of
But you my dear friend, you were the only one to believe in me
People always ask what makes a good person.
The answer is so simple; it�s having friends like you
I�m lucky enough to have gotten you and I�m holding on to you with all that I�ve got
And most of all I would like to thank this dear friend of mine
Her name?
A name that is of bliss and pride
Written in God�s book it was picked to be hers
A name which means to guide others to the light
A name which served its cause
Because you did guide
Guided me to the right track
Guided me to where I am today
Guided me to where everyone should be
Guided me away from the bad crowd
Guided me away from the darkness that almost swallowed me
Guided me away from the path that you took
To everyone who saw you as a bad seed no more
To everyone who said that no good can come from you
To everyone who doubted your purity of mind and heart
To everyone who made you feel unappreciated, sad and miserable
I say one thing and one thing only
They are all wrong because a person like her you will never find
A person who has served that name of hers with joy and unselfishness
A person who has pureness and loyalty carved in her heart
A person whose blood boils with love to give without hoping to receive
A person like her is one in a million
Because she is an angel that was sent to guide me
She is my guardian angel and whoever messes with her messes with me


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  • 17 years ago

    by Boogie


    love u !!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!! i wanna squeeeze the "jahanam" out of u right now !!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by mathiax

    Well bo you did change me and influence my innocence:P you taught me that my pride and honour is the most important thing in this world...i followed you all my life..youve been like a sis, twin, and gaurding angel to me guiding me where ever i go...leading me to the right track and preventing me from making any mistakes that i might have regretted in the future.... i love you sis and you shall forever be a part of me:D!

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    Im sure its another boogie.. a boogie man or something**
    thaanx alot FOR writting about me**
    i seriously had NO idea**

    damn!! i was tearing so much.. i couldnt type right ! =p

  • 18 years ago

    by Boogie

    Damn mai !! aah.. u know i couldnt believe my eyes when i saw the title of this poem.. i was like "no way.,.. im sure is another a boogie man or somethin" .. thaanx alot of writtng about me .. and sharing all those feelings.. i seriously had to idea that i changed u this much.. well.. the social part i knew about.. but not all this.. i love ya honey ! i really do ! damn.. im tearing.. aaaahhh... love u girl ! URE THE BEST !!