A Poem to You

by Megan   Feb 12, 2007

Sometimes I feel lonely
And sometimes I feel blue,
But I never felt that way
When I thought of you.

Now when I think of you
Tears fill my eyes.
Since you broke my heart once,
You then broke it twice.

You just took me for granted
And never gave me a chance.
Instead of getting to know me,
You gave a wicked glance.

I had such high hopes,
Big dreams as well,
But when you got with her,
My poor heart, it just fell.

Soon feelings of fury
Flooded my mind.
Hatred, despising,
Feelings of that kind.

When the dreams started
I came to realize
I still loved you so dearly
And tears flooded my blue eyes.

Five months later
You broke up with her
And everything started all over.

After you spoke to me
High hopes were once again set.
I thought you felt the same for me;
My heart broken again is what really was met.

After my first heartbreak
My heart was of course fixed,
But when you came along
Feelings were mixed.

Soon little cracks developed in my heart.
Those were never taped together
You just made them fall apart.

So here I am again,
My heart broken in two.
I just want you to know
My feelings never changed for you.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Romantic Lover

    That was beautiful yet very sad.
    Hope all works out for you.

  • 18 years ago

    by Krzysztof J

    Sometimes love can be like that its a beautifull poem 5/5