Waiting for the Day

by snoweyes   Feb 12, 2007

Echoing in the darkness
Through the blackest years
The steady pour of heartache
The everlasting stream of tears.

The haunting breath of a poison breeze
Threatens to snuff out the light
Ready to make them suffer
Them who stand for truth and right.

An eternity of silent whispers
muttered to a pleading ear
They stoke and feed the feeling
The evil feeling known as fear.

The faithful valiant
Stand on good and true
They stand as beacons of light
glistening like the morning dew.

Hold your torches high, aloft
To usher in mercy and hope
It strangly is the simple things
that often help us cope.

I wait and listen for the day
The day of eternity
Then shall I, a daughter of god
will always be allowed to be me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by azii

    So beautiful! I love it! :) Good job! 5/5
    Keep it up! :)

    Nd btw, Check out my poem, nd tell me what do u think about those changes I made.