The God Of The Works Of Warfare

by DJ   Feb 12, 2007

Prince of Mount Olympus
and the Pantheon of Gods
The eternal spirit of battle
an unholy holocaust

My insatiable lust for blood shed
leaves me infinitely thirsting for more
sole spawn of Zeus and Hera
I am Ares god of War

Mounted in a dark chariot
drakon images engrave its shell
drawn by four furious stallions
which breathe the fires of hell

Wielding a tainted spear
enchanted by my father
electrically sparking with lightning
shrouded in serpent skin armor

An immortal whose soul purpose be only
to bring diligent suffering and death
whose animosity is monotonous
waging war till the very last breath

At the forefront of the battle
rallying legions of mortal men
impaling anyone whose path crosses mine
conducting a symphony of mayhem

Roaring into chaos
with Discord and Strife
Enyo Terror Trembling Panic
evil accomplices alike

Clashing with the titans
giants fall before my feet
unsurmountable amounts of pain
an unmatched fury unleashed

The pinnacle of misery
undaunted by morals or care
excelling in the craft I relish
the tedious works of warfare


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kaila

    Oh this is so cool because I loved studying stuff like this in school and everything very interesting topic lovely poem it was really unique never really read one like this before