Magic of Love

by David   Feb 12, 2007

My love grows on
My heart is only for you
My lips only speak your name
His soul for the angel, never gone

The humble way you walk
The magic of how you stare
The melody of your words
Just so perfect and rare

In my dream I am crawling
So ever near to your love
A life of no tears, no bawling
When we are one, flying above

Our love so shiny and new
With everyday it grows more and more
So many in the world, yet so few
Who share a bond as strong as me and you


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  • 17 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    In my dream I am crawling
    So ever near to your love

    I love those lines a lot . Creative and different [: It bugged me that it seemed like you would rhyme and stop since I`m used to rhyming poems, but either way, this poem was a great write (:

  • 17 years ago

    by lilali

    I like this poem , u a good at writing poetry ^_^

  • 18 years ago

    by lina

    Very nice poem i really enjoyed reading your poem very nice it really touched me!!♥!♥

  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    I LOVED this.
    The wording and imagery were breathtaking, and the first stanza had me hooked.
    My favourite part was the last stanza, I thought it was beautiful and it had suge great impact.
    Exellent work.

  • 18 years ago

    by xfAdInGxaWaYx

    This is beautiful. Wonderfully written. 5/5.