Tears of Hurt

by trueluvhurts   Feb 12, 2007

As I close my eyes,
I close off the cries and
begin to fall into a sleep,
pondering why it is I cry.

So much hate in my eyes,
So much hurt here it lies.
My eyes full of emotions, but
from where have they came from.

Tear by Tear they Fall

I open my eyes and begin
to cry for maybe a moment or two,
but then put on a smile so I
can hide the pain from the world.

A smile makes others smile
and we need more smiles then frowns.
I choose to smile and sparkle, but
behinde close doors the tears pour.

Tear by Tear they Fall

The only time I escape from
the pain is when I sleep.
In my dreams I am filled with
joy and smile with warmth.

I still have not found the answer
to why it is I cry, but I'm
trying to close of the tears
of hurt forever, but till then:

Tear by Tear they Fall!


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  • 18 years ago

    by luvlydisaster

    Wow..i love it ronnie.. emocallie loves it.. is so emo..lol.. i kinda know how you feel..but then my pain is different from yours but iguess thats what makes us all different..

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