by Yesenia   Feb 12, 2007

I tell you i love you
what do you say?
nothing, like those
words have no meaning
you think I'm just playing

to you I'm just a girl
just another face in
the crowed you don't
know how it feels
to be so in love with
someone who doesn't
even know

when ever you're down
i ask you whats wrong
and try make everything

when I'm down and sad
what do you do?
nothing,you just don't
care but some how
i cant let you go

i know that i should
but its just so hard
a part of me hopes
that we are destined
to be.

but i know thats foolish
you'll never love me

i told myself i didn't love
you for a while i believed it
but i knew it was to good
to be true how could i
ever stop loving you

the moment i saw you
i fell in love all over again

when i saw you with all those
girls i don't know what happened
i got so mad i just wanted to
craw there eyes out

i know that sounds funny
but do u have any idea
how it feels to see the
love of your life with a
girl thats not you?

you're not that bad
you're actually really nice
and you do love me but
only as a friend the fact
that you love me even if
its just as a friend

makes me hold on just
a bit longer you make
me keep hoping that
one day it will be just
me and you

I used to be strong
nothing could bring
me down then i met
you and i became so

i always thought falling
in love would be the best
thing but now i wish it had
never happened

if i told you i loved you
and told you all the things
i felt what would you say?
would you believe me?

i guess ill to wait until
i have the courage inside
to tell you all this love i have inside


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