Comments : Birthday Wish

  • 18 years ago

    by Michelle

    I understand exactly what youre saying...but hopefully you'll realize that none of the bad stuff really matters..we all have to go through highschool and teenage stuff..its just part of life, and its honestly not that fun haha ..but you dont want to base your whole life! off of just one part of it do you? ..
    it sounds like you have a gift for writing poetry, so if you get upset about something why dont you give that a try some more to help you sort through things..
    i hope you have a GREAT birthday tomorrow! and even if its not perfect, i hope that you are able to appreciate yourself for the amazing girl that God made you and be happy knowing that =]

    i'll be praying for you!

  • 18 years ago

    by V a n i t y V e i n 6 9

    I really really really really love this one!!! good job!!! I just love your work so much!!! hahaha well keep it going!


  • 18 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    I feel so bad because i really like reading this poem it was so well written
    but its so sad. it brought tears to my eyes. I know im a guy but who can stop the tears when they come? you are a really good poet. Every time i
    sing that b.d. song i think of those words you gave it. read A poem on this site called 8:11 by koriey i think
    you'll relate. ITS MY FAVORITE. best poem i ever read on this site. that and
    my personal favorite is by gracie Danielle called ALMOST this one is so good you'll love them both. tell me what you think of them


  • In this poem i felt every emotion. I cried and i though i'm not sixteen yet, but maybe myne might be that way. I hope your birthday was good. Keep writing if you have a passion, which it feels like you do, keep writing.

  • 17 years ago

    by tAsTeSlIkEsKiTtLeZ

    Hey auna :} i wrote a new poem its short :} i had like no time so i just wrote or typed i check in once and a while to check up on your latest poems to see wht is up :P your b-day me missed it happy b-day or llate b-day well i liked this poem i read it to my friend a bunch of times over the phone :) she got mad that i read it so much lol

  • 17 years ago

    by SuperJenius

    16!!!!!!happy sweet sixteen time to roll your body to the morgue
    I gave you your birthday wish
    You blew out your candles and I granted your wish

    that actually made me smile.
    this poem was great. Raw. i loved the poem
    wicked awesome write; for reals; it was great

  • 17 years ago

    by Mihaela

    I like a lot this poem because you managed to describe the same feelings I had in certain moments of my life.Congratulations,you have done a great work.Take care of you.Best regards,Michelle XxX 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by BraidhairCutie

    Nice Poem...its exactly what i've been tryong to find..That sound weird but it is.. Thanks