
by Mandy Lou   Feb 13, 2007

Sometimes late at night
I imagine I can hold you tight
And whisper in your ear
All the things you want to hear

Sometimes in the morning
I begin to cry without warning
You are not there next to me
There is nothing there when I look to see

Sometimes during the day
I think of all the things I wish to say
Yet for some reason they remain unsaid
Just repeating themselves in the back of my head

Sometimes I think it is a dream
That soon I will wake up to a gentle sunbeam
Then the truth becomes so obvious
And I wonder if there will ever again be an "us"

Sometimes I wish I could throw it all away
Take back all the things we used to say
Uncry my every tear
Pretend I never wished you were here

But, Life is unfair and sometimes unkind
Sometimes the things we want are not the things we find
And the things we thought we could never need
Are the things from which we cannot be freed.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Samantha

    I can relate a lot...I really liked it good job keep it up!