What i feel .

by lisa   Feb 13, 2007

I'm paralyzed by your smile.
I'm overwhelmed by your kiss.
I'm stunned for a while.
By this moment so bliss.

I'm Hungary for your love.
I'm startled by your eyes.
From heaven up above.
Love shall surely rise.

I'm moved by your voice.
I'm weakened by your touch.
My feelings cannot hide.
I'm missing you so much.

I'm excited when your hear
I'm sad when you are gone.
My love for you is clear.
Your deffinetly the one.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Shirani Graham

    This is a great poem, definately used good expressions. well done!


  • 18 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    ''I'm excited when your hear'' Should be ''I'm excited when you're here.''

    Apart from that tiny error, this was beautifully written.
    The imagery was breathtaking and the flow was perfect.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kirsty

    Brilliant. Short but certainly very sweet. 5/5 :)