Ghetto Booty

by Stefan   Feb 14, 2007

How did I get so lucky?
To find a girl like you
One that is funny
But has beauty too

With a voice like an angel
And a personality to match
Im glad I was the one
That you happened to catch

I dont know it this poem
Will make you sad
Or if this addendum
Will make you glad

But as I sit here writing
Thinking only of you
I feel as if Im flying
Through a sky of blue

Its a corny way
To tell you how I feel
But what other way?
Than maybe cooking you a meal

I hope you like my message
I know its not worth your time
But I did the best I could
For the girl I wish was mine


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  • 18 years ago

    by Raychil

    For Sarah? Thats cute :). Best of luck to you two or whoever its about.