Six Feet Under

by Silver Knight   Feb 14, 2007

Hello? Hello?
Is anyone there?
Can anyone hear me?
Does anyone care?

I'm falling fast,
In this deep dark hole.
I sink deeper into darkness,
Hurry before it takes over my soul.

I'm scared to death,
I'm not ready to die.
Six feet under,
Is not where I want to lie.

I have so much life to live,
There are so many things I need to try.
I don't want this to be the end,
I dread to say "Good bye."


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  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Man this is amazing! So sad and so beautiful as well. Good job.

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Wow I loved this poem. Sadly, I can relate a lot. The flow was very good. The rhymes were good. I love it when people put questions into there poems. I think you did a very good job.

    "Hurry before it takes over my soal."
    soal should be soul.

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