Valentine Poem For You

by Katlynn   Feb 14, 2007

The feelings fall to the floor finally.
After you caught me in the rain.
Your smile is a thousand times more.
Then you have opened up my door.

The lights are shinning glaring at the screen.
Finally after all this time, I can see myself.
Because you showed me the light.
Maybe this is corny then I could make it.

You hold my hand like you never want to let go.
Kiss me like you never wanted to miss it at all.
You tell me the three words like you never said before.
You've became my everything, my best friend.

I'm really hoping to the very end.
Thank you for giving me a chance.
For giving your heart to me.
Here's a return my heart I'll give you.

Don't break it or tease it.
Don't let me down like everyone else.
Just tell me the truth and talk to me.
Be gentle to it because it'll break fast.

I fell for someone out of the ordinary.
Someone I didn't think I would.
But I have and I'm glad I have.
I love you really I do.

I just don't want any of this to end.
Ever really, to me your my other half.
I hope I'm the same to you.
I'll finishing this like the way it is.

I'll shut off the lights.
Lay myself to bed.
Sing along to my favorite song.
And think about you while I dream.


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  • 18 years ago

    by BECCA lessTHANthree

    Aww... this is soo cute... you really express yourself beautifully ... the only thing im a little confuzed bout is in the beging this man is holding your hand and telling you he loves you.. but then you say "i hope i'm the same to you" which threw me off a little..