Because I'm writing this on Valentines Day

by Espoirfailed   Feb 14, 2007

Because I'm writing this on Valentines Day
You can tell I'm lonely.
Wondering how to start this poem,
Wishing I had a one and only.

Ignoring the calendar
And the stupid patronising
Remarks that it makes.
Cutting and popping
To feel the pain
I can generate.

Something that gives me power,
We have our own relationship,
Maybe nobodies bought me flowers,
But do I really need them?

And the red net
Of Sainsbury's chocolate hearts,
Lies empty on my bed.
Two packets,
One from myself
And the other from me.

Signing in
Just to see,
If you're online.
Because that way I'll know you're not out.
With her.
But you're not there,
I wonder where
You are.
And I can remember your bed,
Without her.

I think today's bad,
But I don't even want to think
About six more days,
Feb 20th
Last year was so different.
But then so was today.

And greasy men
At the garage,
Buying bottom shelf
Have more of a life than me.


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  • 18 years ago

    by Love Panda

    I can feel your hurt in this poem, but you seem to deal with it ok

    october xx