One Year On (And still thinking about you)...

by sam   Feb 14, 2007

Nearly one year on
And still thinking about you
So hurt inside
If only you knew

I feel we are drifting apart
We can't let that happen
I need to keep you in my heart

I never wanna let go of our friendship
It means too much to me
I need to hear from you
Can't you see?

I hate living without you
You were the only one I could talk to
The only one that would listen
The only one that heard me

Now everything's changed
We're on different sides of the world
And going our separate ways

I wish you were here
I miss you so much YeaJin
I need to see you
Hear you, something

People search their whole lives
To find a friend like you
Your one in a million and
I'm so lucky to have found you

It doesn't matter if you live over the sea
You left a mark on me
You're my best friend
And always will be


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  • 18 years ago

    by sam

    Thanks so much! I actually can never write poems- they are the only two I have ever written- I thought I'd just give it a try!