Lullaby to my yet born child (part one)

by darkangelcrying   Feb 14, 2007

Hush little crying child,
I'll take thee now to sleep,
all the lies will die away ,
the storm is here to keep,

Hush little crying child,
I'll take thee now to rest,
time for you to fly away,
cradled to it's breast,

wings spread wide
to carry, nigh,
to fly away,
upon a darkened feathered wings,

Hush little crying child,
i lay the down to sleep,
the clouds do come,
to chase away the Beringer of light,

Hush little crying child,
i cradle thee in my wings
darkened grays, and blacks of storm
made clothe so soft to keep you warm,
cradled in my arms,

i rock you now
with torrent bow,
of wind that stills the noise,

i rock thee to sleep,
you are mine to keep,
my babe my child ,
i take thee now to rest,
upon My paternal breast,

always safe, always warm,
in the heart of my
unrelenting storms,

wings spread wide
to carry, nigh,
to fly away,
upon my darkened feathered wings,

dream little sleeping one
I'll take thee in my arms
your mother, your father
watches over thee
in the eye of the storm,

rest oh sweet child of mine,
i made thee of my blood
your mother, your father
watching over thee until the day is done


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  • 18 years ago

    by Rahl The Layman Lord

    Little mix of old english and rhyming...interesting combination when the theme is considered. I liked it.
