Played Heart

by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere   Feb 15, 2007

I know you don't care,
I know I don't matter,
Your just using me,
To play your stupidity games.

Sometimes I can't control it,
But just to cry,
When I see you standing there,
Knowing you can never love me the way I loved you.

Sometimes I just can't see,
The truth behind the lies,
The cold heart you have,
Everything you are, is just a lie that I cannot see.

You say you care,
You say I matter,
You say it's going to be okay,
But I know in the end it's not going to be okay.

Feeling the pain of a broken heart,
Ripping like paper,
And hearing the slowly dying beat,
It's surviving to come around again.

All I can do is sit in darkness,
To wait and see what will happen,
Blackness is nothing compared,
To your stupid playing heart.

As I sit on my bed with my legs over the edge,
Tiredness starts to crawl over my body,
Numbness begins to take its toll,
As I enject so many thoughts in my head.

My head hits the pillow,
My pain starts to ease,
As my eyes start to close,
What many memories will come back and haunt me again.

But, oh will you ever know,
You do not care,
I do not matter,
I'm just another played heart on your list.


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  • 18 years ago

    by beav

    So sad. and so good. i must say i have really enjoyed reading your poems. this one has so much sadness in it. it reminds me of so many times i experienced when i was younger. i'm looking forward to more of your poems!! 5 for you! -beav

  • 18 years ago

    by amoxi

    This poem was great i know what a broken heart is like men can be so cruel i loved it 5/5

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueEyedMystery

    Awsome poem! There was so much emotione. I love poems with a lot of emotion and this is definetly one of them. I can relate as i'm sure a lot of people can. You did a great job!

    Keep writing!

  • 18 years ago

    by Darien

    "Your just using me,"
    [You're just using me]

    "To play your stupidity games."
    [It sounds better as 'stupid games']

    "As I enject so many thoughts in my head."

    Very nice poem, except for the small mistakes in grammar and spelling. It had a lot of raw emotion and the readers could feel it easily. I can definitely relate to this poem. Well done.