Why did you go

by Madddiii   Feb 15, 2007

I lay awake at night,
Wondering why.
Re-reading all your letters,
I cry every time

I sit there at school,
Feeling heft.
Cuz U didn't say goodbye,
Before you left

I don't understand,
Why'd you have to go
I love u so much
Please let me know


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Annette

    This was so cuuute!

  • 17 years ago

    by justin

    I love it

  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    Im sorry about you and your bf...but no this didnt really happen to me...it was more of a friend thing...like im really good friends w. this guy, who I really like, and he got back together w. his ex and stuff....so it was somewhat true, but also some parts fiction lol...so yeah....comment back?!haha

  • 18 years ago

    by Sara

    Aww that was really cute!....adorable!....5/5....comment back?!